Playing With Class – Part 2

Welcome back! I hope you read the first article in this series! If not, you should check definitely it out!
The multiverse of dungeons and dragons is one of adventure and intrigue. Those who seek adventure must hone their skills and choose a path to follow, one that will guide them on their journeys forward. Each of these paths offer the hero a unique way to solve different problems, both in and out of combat. The first article covered the barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, and fighter. Every class in dungeons and dragons has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Dungeons and dragons is different than many other RPGs. I believe it has the opportunity to offer the players more stories of epic heroism, and epic failure that make the game a continuous source of enjoyment. It has a certain allure to it that I have not experienced in many other games. This wonderful world of fantasy is a world shaped by the players at the table. Their choices, their actions have the chance to determine the outcome of how things play out in their fantasy world. This blend of fantasy and reality can create lasting friendships for years to come. Dungeons and dragons is a game that brings heroes to life, and allows you and your friends to take on the role of different heroes and explore both dangerous and wonderful lands!
The monk is a special melee combat class. It does not rely on brute force or strength of weaponry to take down their foe. Instead, monks focus on unarmed attacks guided by their ability to focus their Ki and infuse their attacks with this energy. The player’s handbook it says that ki, an element of magic that “flows through living bodies.” This means, that the monk can focus their inner strength to infuse their attacks, granting the ability to stun their enemies or unleash an onslaught of quick strikes. Their Ki can also be used in a more defensive manner, making them more nimble in combat, or speed up their movement to flee or close the distance between them and their attacker. During their training and growth as a master of unarmed combat, they can even snatch arrows, or thrown weapons out of the air and possibly redirecting the attack back toward their attacker.
The paladin is generally a divine warrior. However, there are some instances, where paladins can draw strength on their code of ethics or honor to aid them in adventures. Paladins are a unique mix of cleric and warrior gaining spells and abilities from each class. Paladins are very skilled in front combat. They are proficient in martial weapons, which are heavy one handed and two handed weapons. This training also allows them to wear heavy armor and carry shields into combat. The more divine aspect of the paladin grants them access to the cleric spell list along with their own unique ability to cure disease and poison through an ability known as “Lay on Hands,” which is a small pool of divine energy that allows the paladin to heal an individual through touch, as well as cure them of certain ailments. The divine guidance paladins gain from their deity, or higher power, may not always be good, some paladins, have fallen from grace or chosen a darker, more sinister path in life. These paladins are then guided by their evil deity, which may not have the same moral objections as a holy paladin might. Whatever oath you choose to follow with your paladin, just remember that there are consequences for your actions, or even inactions, you deity is always watching. You oath is integral to your paladin, it is very important to who they are. Turning your back on your oath, and you may find yourself alone and without divine guidance!
The ranger is the lone warrior battling enemies between the vast landscapes and civilization. They are proficient with bow and sword, using their skills of stealth to strike at their enemies from the behind natural cover. Rangers have perfected their ability to maneuver in the wilderness without being seen or heard and leaving no trace of their passage. Their ability to track and hunt down their enemies through any type of terrain is a skill welcome among any group of adventurers. Some of these rangers have even bonded with some of the wildlife, gaining them as animal companions. These companions have become allies in combat, as well as family and friend.
Skilled in the art of theft, subterfuge, trickery, and deception, the rogue can virtually get themselves into and out of almost any dicey situation. They are skilled manipulators, and masters of the con. Rogues have spent much of their lives learning to adapt to various situations they have “found’ themselves in. Many of them learned their skills of perception and investigation from personal experience, some were lucky enough to to find another individual with similar interests to train them. Their skills allow them to discover hidden traps or treasure in various environments, as well as picking and opening locks with their thieves’ tools, which are always hidden away on their person. Rogues offer the party of adventurers a means to solve various situations without the need for physical combat. However, rogues are also skilled with various light and simple weapons, allowing them to be extremely deadly in close combat.
The next article will cover the arcane casters. The warlock, wizard, and sorcerer will finish up our class over views. Then we shall move into the topic of the adventuring party and party makeup.

Daniel Colby
Dungeon Master by day, mad illusionist by night!
Daniel Colby has just recently entered into the realm of freelance writing. He has a couple of article series’ on the Kobold Press website along with some self published adventures on the DMs Guild.
Playing With Class – Part 2

Welcome back! I hope you read the first article in this series! If not, you should check definitely it out!
The multiverse of dungeons and dragons is one of adventure and intrigue. Those who seek adventure must hone their skills and choose a path to follow, one that will guide them on their journeys forward. Each of these paths offer the hero a unique way to solve different problems, both in and out of combat. The first article covered, the barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, and fighter. Every class in dungeons and dragons has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Dungeons and dragons is different than many other RPG’s. I believe it has the opportunity to offer the players more stories of epic heroism, and epic failure that make the game a continuous source of enjoyment. It has a certain allure to it that I have not experienced in many other games. This wonderful world of fantasy is a world shaped by the players at the table. Their choices, their actions have the chance to determine the outcome of how things play out in their fantasy world. This blend of fantasy and reality can create lasting friendships for years to come. Dungeons and dragons is a game that brings heroes to life, and allows you and your friends to take on the role of different heroes and explore both dangerous and wonderful lands!
The monk is a special melee combat class. It does not rely on brute force or strength of weaponry to take down their foe. Instead, monks focus on unarmed attacks guided by their ability to focus their Ki and infuse their attacks with this energy. The player’s handbook it says that ki, an element of magic that “flows through living bodies.” This means, that the monk can focus their inner strength to infuse their attacks, granting the ability to stun their enemies or unleash an onslaught of quick strikes. Their Ki can also be used in a more defensive manner, making them more nimble in combat, or speed up their movement to flee or close the distance between them and their attacker. During their training and growth as a master of unarmed combat, they can even snatch arrows, or thrown weapons out of the air and possibly redirecting the attack back toward their attacker.
The paladin is generally a divine warrior. However, there are some instances, where paladins can draw strength on their code of ethics or honor to aid them in adventures. Paladins are a unique mix of cleric and warrior gaining spells and abilities from each class. Paladins are very skilled in front combat. They are proficient in martial weapons, which are heavy one handed and two handed weapons. This training also allows them to wear heavy armor and carry shields into combat. The more divine aspect of the paladin grants them access to the cleric spell list along with their own unique ability to cure disease and poison through an ability known as “Lay on Hands,” which is a small pool of divine energy that allows the paladin to heal an individual through touch, as well as cure them of certain ailments. The divine guidance paladins gain from their deity, or higher power, may not always be good, some paladins, have fallen from grace or chosen a darker, more sinister path in life. These paladins are then guided by their evil deity, which may not have the same moral objections as a holy paladin might. Whatever oath you choose to follow with your paladin, just remember that there are consequences for your actions, or even inactions, you deity is always watching. You oath is integral to your paladin, it is very important to who they are. Turning your back on your oath, and you may find yourself alone and without divine guidance!
The ranger is the lone warrior battling enemies between the vast landscapes and civilization. They are proficient with bow and sword, using their skills of stealth to strike at their enemies from the behind natural cover. Rangers have perfected their ability to maneuver in the wilderness without being seen or heard and leaving no trace of their passage. Their ability to track and hunt down their enemies through any type of terrain is a skill welcome among any group of adventurers. Some of these rangers have even bonded with some of the wildlife, gaining them as animal companions. These companions have become allies in combat, as well as family and friend.
Skilled in the art of theft, subterfuge, trickery, and deception, the rogue can virtually get themselves into and out of almost any dicey situation. They are skilled manipulators, and masters of the con. Rogues have spent much of their lives learning to adapt to various situations they have “found’ themselves in. Many of them learned their skills of perception and investigation from personal experience, some were lucky enough to to find another individual with similar interests to train them. Their skills allow them to discover hidden traps or treasure in various environments, as well as picking and opening locks with their thieves’ tools, which are always hidden away on their person. Rogues offer the party of adventurers a means to solve various situations without the need for physical combat. However, rogues are also skilled with various light and simple weapons, allowing them to be extremely deadly in close combat.
The next article will cover the arcane casters. The warlock, wizard, and sorcerer will finish up our class over views. Then we shall move into the topic of the adventuring party and party makeup.

Daniel Colby
Dungeon Master by day, mad illusionist by night
Daniel Colby has just recently entered into the realm of freelance writing. He has a couple of article series’ on the Kobold Press website along with some self published adventures on the DMs Guild.
Daniel Colby has been an adventurer for over 20 years. His experience ranges from a long deceased human fighter, to a wise old human wizard, and a wonderful, energetic illusionist gnome whose trickery is beyond compare! As a Dungeon Master, he hopes to bring some of his crazy machinations to the world of heroes and villains so they too can share his reality!